First impression matter

Everyone will be talking about your product. Creating video that captivates your customers. Visualizing and explaining the complex in simple way

Dubai Horizon
Dubai Government project
About us
We are an animation agency. We help companies break through the information clutter, grab attention, ignite emotions, and keep the viewer engaged until the end
  • 12 years
    experience in animation industry
  • 100+
    Finished projects
  • 20 countries
    International projects experience
International game project
Our favourite customers share their impressions
  • Service
    Whatever the request, our answer is always 'yes.' Create a holographic pyramid with 'Truck' inside? Model monkey astronaut on the Moon? Make a video in the style of Apple? Yes, we can do it all
  • Speed
    Tackling challenging tasks within tight deadlines isn't just a one-time feat; it's a technique we've perfected over 3 years
  • Results
    The imagery is cinematic, virtually indistinguishable from reality. The secret lies in the combination of four factors: movie-level direction, visual packaging, photorealistic rendering and VFX
Our clients
Megaverse project presentation
Our studio creates unique videos, so pricing is tailored individually. We calculate the project cost based on the technical specifications. Here are a few examples of our services along with approximate prices per one minute
Starter from 10,000$
At least five people work on the project. Animation addresses simple tasks.

This includes developing explainer videos, tutorials or educational clips, straightforward presentations with elements of 2D or 3D animation, creating logos, and animated intros
Advanced from 20,000$
Custom creative videos are designed to address more complex tasks.

This includes creating TV commercials, launching on YouTube, producing animated clips, and detailed 3D visualization. At least ten people work on the video production
Premium from 40,000$
Exclusive Custom Video.
Handling the most intricate and complex tasks. A team of at least 15 people works on these projects.

In such videos, we utilize visual effects, special effects, technological innovations, combining shooting and graphics at the forefront of design and direction. Ambitious tasks – reliable solutions
Don't know what service to choose?
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